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5 Tips for Drinking More Water

Now that summer has arrived, you may be spending more time outside whether it be spending a relaxing afternoon on the beach, grilling out with friends or playing outdoors with your kids.

Since summer means warmer temperatures, it’s important to consider the additional water your body needs. To stay hydrated, it’s important to replace the water you lose. Not only does drinking water help keep you hydrated, it has many other health benefits.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), water helps keep your body temperature normal, lubricate and cushion joints, and protect your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues. Here are some tips to increase your fluid intake.

  1. Carry a water bottle. Carrying a water bottle provides easy access while you’re on the go. Make staying hydrated fun by picking out a bottle that’s functional and fun. Using a reusable water bottle not only helps save the planet, it also will help keep you healthy and hydrated all summer long.
  1. Use an app to track water intake and set up reminders. There are plenty of smartphone apps available to help you keep track of your water intake. You can also use your phone’s alarm clock or calendar to set up reminders to drink water every two hours or so.
  1. Opt for water when eating out. You’ll not only reduce calories, but also save money. Try drinking the entire glass before your meal gets there. This will help create a sense of fullness.
  1. Add fruit to your water. Add some flavor to your water by infusing it with your favorite fruit. This helps improve the taste and may help you drink more water. Try lemon, lime, strawberries, oranges, blueberries, watermelon or even fresh mint — the possibilities are endless!
  1. To make hydrating a little more fun, Tanner Health System’s Get Healthy, Live Well is pleased to announce the Hydrate, Don’t Wait Challenge. If you thrive on setting and beating your own goals or you need some self-motivation to drink more water, this personal challenge is for you.

Simply post pictures on social media showing how you’re staying active with the hashtag #SummerOfHealth. Make it even more fun by asking your family and friends to join you. To help you keep track of your water intake, download and print this tracking form.

For more information about Get Healthy, Live Well’s #SummerOfHealth campaign, visit

Get Healthy, Live Well

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