Tanner Health System MyChart

Branding Guide

The logo is the primary visual element in the identification of Tanner Health System and its subsidiaries. Consistent and uniform usage of the logo effectively implants a subconscious and lasting impression of the company in the minds of the public. It is imperative that consistency be maintained as a variety of application needs arise.

Consistency will assure strengthening and unification of the company name. To achieve this goal, the following guidelines must be followed:

1. The logo and its components must not be modified, redrawn, reproportioned, respaced, decorated or altered in any way.
2. The logo is a singular element in the identification program and should stand in contrast to, and be unencumbered by other distracting elements.
3. The logo should be surrounded by ample open space to prevent crowding or confusion with other graphic elements. It should be distinctly legible in all applications.
4. The logo should only be reproduced from original electronic files available below.
5. Size and space relationships remain constant regardless of scale.

The mobius (graphic circle)

The Mobius (from the Mobius Strip) is named after August Ferdinand Mobius, a nineteenth century German mathematician. Mobius, along with his contemporaries, created a revolution in geometry.

The Mobius is a graphic representation of our services: the continuity of healthcare, ongoing without interruption.

Note: The diameter of the graphic circle equals the height of the company name.

Corporate colors

The logo can be used only in color combinations specified in this manual. Never substitute colors. Black and white versions of the logo are the only acceptable substitutions.
The logo shown below is in the approved corporate color scheme.

The ink colors are:
Pantone Warm Gray 8
Pantone Green 377
These colors apply for both coated and uncoated paper applications.

Equivalent process color builds are the only appropriate color substitution in print form. Other application materials should be colormatched to these Pantone numbers.

Applications on black or dark colors

Sometimes it is necessary to utilize the logo on a dark-colored or black background. In these instances, a negative, or reversed-out, form of the logo must be used.

Grid proportion and minimum space requirements

The line grid below shows the relationship between the various components of the logo. The logo is 4 units wide and 1 unit high. The proportions, size of graphic elements and space relationships remain constant regardless of scale. The dashed line around the logo indicates the minimum amount of open space (staging area) required when the logo is placed in close proximity to other visual elements. The staging area is 1/2 of the vertical dimension and surrounds all sides of the logo. No other elements should enter within this space. This assures legibility amidst distracting elements. When using the logo on a colored background, the background color should extend to the perimeter indicated by the broken line.

Consistency will assure strengthening and unification of the company name. To achieve this goal, the logo has been adapted to meet the
needs of each service line application. Note that the Mobius graphic aligns with the “TANNER” letters.

Tanner logos

EPS-enable PDF (Vector - High Resolution)

Print JPG | Color Black

Web JPG | Color Black

Mobius (High Resolution)

Logo misuse: Alteration of the graphic elements

Consistent applications and usage are the key in building a strong identity. The graphic elements consist of: the Mobius (the graphic circle), the company name, font selection, graphic proportions and their relationship to each other. Distorting graphic elements is unacceptable. Recreating the logo with different graphic elements and/or configurations will deteriorate the identity and may even create an entirely different look.

Below are unacceptable variations.

Tanner colors

Tanner Service Line Colors


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