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5 Tips for Eating Breakfast on the Go

Are you skipping out on the most important meal of the day because you’re in a hurry to get to school or work? If you don’t think you have time to eat breakfast in the morning, think again. Here are some ideas for healthy meals on the go. 

1. Start your day with a smoothie.

On some mornings, there isn’t enough time to sit down at the table and eat a bowl of cereal. For days like this, mix up a smoothie, pour it into a travel mug and take it with you. Blend a cup of skim milk or non-fat yogurt with a cup of frozen fruit chunks or a banana for a satisfying breakfast that’s less than 250 calories. Bananas that are just past ripe work perfectly in smoothies. Peel them, wrap them in plastic and freeze them for later. 

2. Eat an egg sandwich.

Power up your day with a protein-packed breakfast sandwich. Make a veggie egg scramble and place it in the middle of a toasted English muffin. You can also wrap it up in a tortilla and eat it on the way to work or school. Don’t like eggs? Try this recipe from Tanner’s Health Library

3. Set up a grab-and-go breakfast station.

If there is no time to cook breakfast in the morning, set up a breakfast station that includes a variety of grab-and-go options. You can include dried or fresh fruits, granola bars, dairy or non-dairy milk, nuts, oatmeal cups and yogurt. If you have kids, this is a great way to teach them to be more independent.  

4. Make an apple sandwich.

If you’re looking for a low-carb sandwich option, make an apple sandwich. Just slice an apple into rounds, spread one round with peanut or almond butter and top with your favorite granola. Add the other apple round on top and you’ve got yourself a breadless sandwich. 

5. Try avocado toast.
Only have 5 minutes to spare? Try this avocado toast recipe. Avocados are high in fat, but it’s “good” fat. When eaten in moderation, monounsaturated fat helps lower bad cholesterol. 

For more healthy eating tips, visit GetHealthyLiveWell.org. To have health-related news and tips delivered to your email inbox each month, subscribe to our customizable Get Healthy, Live Well newsletter at tanner.privatehealthnews.com

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