Ken McGowan, Ed.D., LPC, CEAP
Dr. McGowan is director of Tanner Health System’s Engage Employee Assistance Program. He holds a doctorate in counseling psychology and is licensed as a professional counselor (LPC) and a certified employee assistance professional (CEAP). He also is qualified as a DOT substance abuse professional. Early in his career, Dr. McGowan was coordinator of a county mental health center in south-central Alabama and later served as director of substance abuse services for a three-county region. Before coming to Tanner’s Engage EAP, he was responsible for developing and managing two substance abuse treatment centers and a psychiatric treatment program in Columbus and Carrollton. He also maintained a private counseling practice, taught part-time at the University of West Georgia and full-time at West Georgia Technical College. In addition to speaking to diverse groups on a variety of informational and self-help topics, Dr. McGowan also conducts workplace-related seminars regarding issues such as conflict resolution, teambuilding, cultural diversity, the generational gap, the drug-free workplace, and the management of stress.
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